Monday, February 28, 2011

British Period Films

This past weekend I discovered something about myself that I would like to discuss here and now.

I LOVE BRITISH PERIOD MOVIES (Jane Austen films, Bright Star, and the like). I don't know if it's because of the wonderful authors and books for which they are based, or if it's the clothing and style of that day and age, but these movies just make me so happy.

I've started wearing makeup in their style and buying patterned clothing like they would wear, and I'm just so happy about it. I don't know why this seems like such a big thing to me, but I wanted to share it with all of you.

Maybe it's because I've written poetry recently, or maybe it's the lovely weather outside that is making me act so strange. Nonetheless, I really enjoy it! I may go outside and read some more today because the atmosphere is just wonderful.

It also helps that my roommate and I were out apartment hunting yesterday and we saw these really awesome places with courtyards and they were so very lovely. There are no words to describe how much I freaked out with excitement at the sight of them.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Weekend

It is Sunday and many of my friends won't be back on campus until tomorrow. They left on Friday and I stayed. In many ways this weekend has been extremely boring. In many other ways, this weekend has been very wonderful.

I got to sit outside and read/write. We've been having great weather and I've tried to make the most of it. I wrote something about how it would be great to be five again, in the sense that we were so brave and so much ourselves when we were five years old.

I watched my favorite movie, White Oleander as I continue to read the book on which it is based. I don't know why I love it so much, if it is the artist background the main characters have or if it is the thought that someone can feel safest when they were with the most dangerous person they'd ever known.

I think most of what I liked about being alone for most of the weekend is the fact that I got to just spend time doing what I liked. I like thinking I am getting to know myself in the time I am not surrounded by other people and their opinions.

Although I like being alone at times, I kind of get sick of being by myself. Hopefully my roommate will get back tonight instead of tomorrow.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another One of those Writer's Block Blogs

Right now:
1. Across the Universe has just started playing on iTunes. (The Jim Sturgess version)
2. I have on a red hat my brother gave me a while ago and am wearing my pajamas.
3. I am trying to write something, but my mind is absolutely blank.

This is NEVER a good thing. If you know me at all, you know I can be very emotional when I can't put things on paper. Sometimes I get uber crabby, sometimes I sit and look like I'm going to cry, and sometimes I jump all over the place yelling at inanimate objects blaming them for my inability to write.

(The song just changed to Not With You by Tegan and Sara)

Sometimes I wonder if I was ever able to sit down and write something. Sometimes I think I imagined all those late nights when the words just came to me as if whispered secrets of old friends. But it must have happened, I have pages and pages of stories all around my room at home and my dorm room. I used to hand-write EVERYTHING. But ever since I got my laptop I have resorted to typing everything because I just don't have the room for all that paper, and editing on looseleaf is quite the undertaking. Also, I can make copies of typed works and not have to pay for it.

(Song is now Gypsy by Suzanne Vega)

On another note, you remember my favorite book? The one I mention ALL of the time? Well, they are officially making a movie of it. I am actually a bit excited to see how this will go. Emma Watson is going to be the main girl and I like her a lot, so hopefully all will end well.

Speaking of favorite things, I have a new favorite movie. It is called "White Oleander" and is about a girl who gets placed in a series of foster homes after the mom commits murder. It's kind of an arty movie despite the well-known actors who appear in it.

(Song: Kristy, Are You Doing Ok? by The Offspring)

The song transitions are put in here to let you see how long this is taking me to write. I hate that nothing is really coming to me today, and it hasn't in a while. I have a character sort of in my mind, but I need him to reveal himself further. I need to know what he wants me to tell. After all, I am just a slave to the characters who occupy my head. So, I will talk to him for a while and see how it all goes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Good thing I don't Want to be a Physicist

Today I had a Physics test. I thought the professor would postpone it, seeing as it was supposed to be this past Thursday. But she reviewed for a little bit and then handed out the test. Needless to say, my mind went completely blank, just as it always does when I am taking a test. I left the classroom feeling like I'd bombed the whole thing, but as I trekked across campus I figured it really wasn't that big of a deal.

I wasn't made to be a physicist, that's just not how my mind works. As I'm sitting on my bed, waiting for my friends to come over to watch Glee I'm reminded that I am not a science-based thinker. And before you start thinking about the fact I'm going to be watching Glee, let me just tell you that I am not a fan...nor am I a hater. I am very indifferent to the show that people claim "you either love it or you hate it". Let me tell you why: I am able to see all of the reasons why people love the show, but I can also see why people hate the show. Sure, the music is pretty good and some of the plot is interesting, and sure the acting sucks and it doesn't really have a huge meaning behind it, but I couldn't really be on one side to save my life. There's too much of my mind looking at the background perspective of each side! That is how my mind works! I am really interested in finding out the why behind people's actions, not the how or the what. I like background information that can lead me to know why they did something. That is why I can never focus on things such as math or science. It is too cut and dry! I hate when things have a definitive answer because I like thinking about other ways things could turn out.

This is why it is a very good thing that I don't want to be a physicist or a mathematician.