Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's NOT an Angst Blog

Is it bad that the only reason I'm able to type an entry is because I am not able to write anything else? I've been looking at some of my story ideas and I have no idea where I want them to go. Also, I am writing letters for the core team members of my youth group and I'm stuck on those as well. This is just horrible.

Today my friend got back from Florida and I got to spend some time with her, which is always fun especially because she's basically another little sister. We laughed about a lot of things and she's still being really sweet about the guy thing. I told her not to worry about it though because, in all honesty, I'll get over it eventually and I'll move on to other guys. He's going to be here, and I won't. Enough of that though because this isn't an angst blog and it was never meant to be one.

I'm having a lot of difficulty deciding which of my books I will take to school with me and it's not getting any easier. I wish I could take them all with me, but I suppose I'll just stick to fifteen. Does that seem like a reasonable number?

Also, I wanted to give a shout out to my daddy! ( He is the only one who comments on my posts and I think he's really cool and stuff. Congrats on your job, Dad!


  1. wOOt!

    Thanks for the S/O, digging your stuff righteously.

    Don't sweat the writer's block, especially since you have multiple projects cooking...let them form without force, grasshopper, lol.

    I would suggest dropping your booklist down to five, and plan on finding new ones at school as your interests develop.

    Seems like you have some good perspective on the relationship thing, too, and I'm glad you aren't giving angst too much headspace. I'm not real wild about writers who do that, they're kind of like cooks who season everything with pepper. After a while it just makes the eyes water and everything tastes the same.

    Take care, my little Hallie, LuvU4Ever!

  2. Five books...hmm...I don't think I could do that. I use some of them for inspiration.
