I try to be the best person I can be.
This said, I know i can be mean sometimes, when provoked, and I know that sometimes when I am angry at people I let them know exactly what they did and/or write them into stories where they are shown as being exactly who they are, but in a more negative light. I know this isn't always the best thing, especially if I write it somewhere where they are likely to see it. But it's just the way I react to things.
For example: There was this guy I had a small crush on but I knew he didn't like me. This on its own is fine, I really don't care that much. But it all changed so very quickly. Friday night he was on Twitter complaining about how none of the girls he liked ever liked him back, and since he was on a tirade I decided to hint at the fact that maybe someone liked him. And then he commented asking me what I meant. I told him it was obvious. Then, while he was working on a response I decided to shoot him an actual text so it wouldn't be put all over Twitter.
But oh no, he says it right on Twitter, that he doesn't like me. I knew he didn't, it was no big deal. But then he goes on to add this to his tirade. I didn't want to be fuel for his pity party. So I just ignored his future Tweets. Over the weekend I continued to just get over it because it wasn't a real big deal.
Until tonight.
Tonight he and I saw each other for the first time since the awkward conversation. I acted completely normal. I said hello and continued conversations when he joined. But something was wrong...oh that's right, HE completely ignored ME. So now I am telling you all about it in an attempt to vent instead of just telling him exactly what I think about him.
And that concludes my rant.
Twitter. Yay.