Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So many things have changed in the past four years that I am afraid to even imagine the changes that are about to come. I have college to look forward to, and everything I'm preparing for is about to be the present.

Does that seem real to anyone else? It seemed like college was this distant thing freshmen year, but now that last quarter is upon us, we have to be ready.

I have started to talk to someone I may be rooming with in college, and I have to say she seems like quite the awesome person, and we have quite a bit in common. But this doesn't make the aspect of the future less looming. Soon I will be the only one of my siblings out of the area, my entire family will be living within an hour of each other and I will be way out there. That is one scary thought. I have never been so far from my family in my life.

I have never been the biggest fan of change, which may be shocking to those who know me. No, changing my hair color often doesn't mean I like change. That's nothing if you really think about it.

I guess getting to know my roommate ahead of time will help me, especially since we do have so much in common. She doesn't have a problem with all of my crazy tendencies, and we even agree on Harry Potter!

Here's to experiencing new things. I also want to give a shout out to all of the other readers who are going to be leaving their family (AC, you and I are probably equally scared!). Hopefully college will treat us all well.

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