Saturday, March 6, 2010

You Never Know

So, today started off kind of rough, waking up early in pain is something I wouldn't wish upon anyone. I decided that since I couldn't feel well I was going to put on some makeup and try my hardest to look well. I guess this is weird, but I always feel that if I put on some makeup I'll feel better. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Anyways I got all prettied up and went dress shopping with my friend Emily and her mom for her Junior Ring Ceremony. We then went to Bread Co. and got something to eat and proceeded to talk for over an hour. Well, they talked for that long. I'm not the biggest talker in the world, most people would would say I'm very quiet, and I spent most of the time listening to them. It's interesting what people will tell you when you just sit there and listen to them talk. Like when Emily got up to get her food and her mom talked about her childhood. I never realized I had so much in common with my friend's mom. I always only knew her by the things I was told by Emily. That's when it hit me.

You never think of your friends' parents as having lives.

Seriously, think about it. Think of one of your closest friends, then think of their parents. Do you picture them out with their friends partying? Probably not. You probably think of them as the host or hostess type person that is always there when you come over and offers you cookies or pizza. You never think of them having the type of childhood you had. Or at least I don't. I don't imagine anyone having the type of childhood that I had. If you know me, you know exactly why.

It's really interesting to learn about this stuff. I encourage you to ask one of your friends' parents about their childhood. You never know what you'll learn.

*KindGestureoftheDay- The guy at the Shell Station gave me a free Coke*

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