Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Truth: A Game

Have any of you ever played the game Truth whether it be at a sleepover or just to know someone better? If so, you may know that it can be a dangerous and ridiculous game. This all depends on who you play with and how committed you and the other player(s) are to getting serious answers from each other.

I have played this game with a fair amount of people, and learned about it, that's right, from a book. Sarah Dessen discusses this game in her novel The Truth About Forever, and it seemed really simple to me. Basically all you do is ask the other person (or people) questions about themselves and they have to give you an honest answer. If they lie or pass on a question and the next person answers their question (which is usually a difficult one) that person wins. Doesn't that sound simple?

I became addicted to this game almost immediately after finishing the novel. I took it up with a group of my cousins at one of our regular sleepovers, and they kind of caught on, but that's not where it really took off for me. It really stuck with me and one of my guy friends.

We all know that guys can be fairly stubborn, and will do anything to win. This always makes the game enjoyable. We started this same game last January, and it is still going as I type. Yes, no matter how long we go without speaking to each other, which went on for about a month just recently, we always get back to this same game because neither of us will admit defeat. Sometimes the questions are ridiculous because someone's tired (me) or someone can't think of anymore questions (him), but we learn so much about each other simply by asking random things.

I challenge each of you to pick someone you don't know too well and just start a game of truth with them. You'll be surprised at what you might learn.

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