Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Luck of the Irish

Is everyone out there wearing green? If you just looked down at your clothing to check, give yourself a pat on the back. I am Irish, and therefore wear green proudly on this day. I also go to my grandparent's house to eat Rubens, which are sandwiches made with corned beef. I think they're nasty, but my other family members like them. The thing I find funny about this is that my grandparents that eat the Rubens aren't Irish, it's the other side of my family that hailed from Ireland.

I always think this is funny. No matter what's going on on St. Patrick's Day I always take time out of the day to laugh about my grandparents, who are mostly German, making an Irish meal. It always works.

I never used to think about the "luck of the Irish" past that silly Disney Channel movie about the basketball player that becomes a leprechaun, but today I think I had a bit of extra luck. It was a half day so after school got out I went down to Main Street to meet some friends at Picasso's for lunch. To tell you the truth, I wasn't exactly sure where on Main Street Picasso's was, so I figured I had a lot of walking ahead of me. So I drove to Main Street the only way I know how, and parked in a lot by the riverfront. Then I walked to the street. I looked at the store on the corner, and guess was Picasso's! Lucky me. Unfortunately my friends didn't get so lucky and it took them about twenty minutes to find the place, but I didn't mind.

Here's to the Luck of the Irish, friends, and those awesome letters about safe energy that they wrote after lunch!

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