Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I have a good excuse for not posting a blog in a while. Here's the thing... I got rear-ended. I'm not injured or anything, but the jolt forward made my migraines come back and that is just horrible. So I did what I thought was sensible and took my migraine medicine, but that makes me, for lack of a better word, floopy.

But the fog is lifting and therefore I will post! Since we last met I have made it to the current season of Doctor Who. Yes, I'm extremely nerdy that way. In my opinion, Christopher Eccleston is the best doctor. David Tennant was the doctor longer, but there's just something about Eccleston that is so amazing and beautiful. I still am not quite sure how I feel about Matt Smith, the current doctor. His features are so much more animated looking and he seems so much younger than the other two. Besides this, he doesn't seem to have any idea of what he is doing. In terms of the assistants to the doctor, I did like Rose the most, I guess you just have to... she's the one he fell in love with. It's something really special. That doesn't matter to me though, because I am going to be the doctor's assistant and he will love me. (Wishful thinking.)

I got some of my cousins into Doctor Who as well and they've decided that we should make our own movie this summer. So I thought, what the hey! I'm a bit excited about it actually because it gives me something to do and it gives me people to talk about Doctor Who to.

Other than that I'm helping my sister out with her play production company again. I know I swore last summer that I would never do that again, but I guess I'm a sucker. I'm actually in one of the plays this summer. I know what you're thinking, "You can't act." I know, but I play an angry cook and I think I can act angry well enough. My sister is actually coming over soon to eat pizza with me. Yup, pizza is really awesome.

Tomorrow I think I'll talk about camp. I've never been to camp.

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