Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So, I turned nineteen on Saturday and I went home to celebrate. I always feel really weird about birthdays because I know you're supposed to celebrate your life and everything, but the whole receiving gifts for being alive is odd to me. It's not that I don't appreciate everything I got this year, but I can never seem to come up with things that I want. I feel like I'm saying, "Yes, I'd like this because I've done something so simple as managing to live for another year." Am I the only one who feels this way? And why is it we celebrate the fact we are still alive only once a year if it is so very important? Shouldn't we just live our whole life in celebration that we are still here to celebrate it? I guess I'm just waxing existential today.


  1. >>>"Shouldn't we just live our whole life in celebration that we are still here to celebrate it?"<<<

    Nailed it like only you could.

    Love you.

  2. No.

    Had sarcasm been my intention, I would have said something like "your grasp of the obvious is truly inspirational".

    But it wasn't, and so I didn't.

  3. No, I meant my way of putting it was heavy with sarcasm.
