Saturday, November 27, 2010

Don't Cover Your Eyes

What do you see when you look at this picture? Do you see five young adults on the brink of growing up? Probably not, you probably see five people with their faces covered in a gray screen picture filter. Well, why don't you think of them on the brink of growing up, it will make the purpose of this post a little more visual.
I've been home almost all of this past week and the more time I spend here, the more I feel as if I don't fit somehow. I feel that I've already done this and there's somewhere else I should be right now. Is that what growing up is? Is it the realization of the existence of that other part of life that was childhood? I keep thinking yes, that's exactly what it is. It's the realization of personal ideals you didn't know you had. It's the opening up of those covered eyes to see you aren't playing a game anymore. The world in front of you is there, real, and scary as anything you ever thought. It almost makes you want to cover your eyes again. But you can't. You have to keep your eyes open because if you cover them again you will miss something. Whether it be something you want to remember or something you need to remember. So let's keep our eyes open together and find our new place in the world.


  1. Powerful stuff. A real movie final monologue look into the distance as a whole person kind of thing. and i don't mean that in a sarcastic way. Just saying it's a strong cinematic cliffhanger, and you don't even have a musical score in the background, while the only image is a grey screen picture.

    anyways, i applaud it all loudly, and must only disagree on one point. life is totally and absolutely a game.

  2. Thank you very much, it all just sort of came to me as I was looking at the picture.

  3. The sunrise is predicatble, but we don't all awaken simultaneously.

    Just be glad you woke up before you turned 35.


    (Beautifully written, by the way.)
