Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm Sort of Scared for this

After looking at this picture one might think "Wow, this is one large family." Just like my roommate did when I showed it to her. The feeling I get after looking at this picture is utter terror.

There is reason for this.

You see, in May my sister will be getting married. Yes, that means some of the people pictured will be there too. What you don't see in this picture; however, is the people who weren't able to make it to the reception. Now this may shock some of you, but that is only approximately half of that side of my family. Moreover, the other side of my family is the same size...and GROWING.

Look at that picture, put that picture next to that picture, and put another next to that. This will give you an approximation of the size of my family.

Then there is the groom. It doesn't even matter how many people he has in his family, adding more to what is there already is a frightening amount of people. Not only that, but both of them have friends!

I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I'm positive it's okay to be scared for this situation.

Just thought I'd share that scary fact with you.


  1. By the time the reception starts, the scary part will already be over.

    (PS, guess who managed to be excluded from another family moment? Look at the picture carefully...;-)

  2. You were outside smoking! I remember because Cecilia was like "Where's dad?" And I said "he's outside with Dan."

  3. And it wasn't worth the effort to go get us...right? (And I don't mean YOU, just IN GENERAL).

    No worries dear, subtle exclusionary tactics are de rigeur in the land of DramaDaddy.
