Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another One of those Writer's Block Blogs

Right now:
1. Across the Universe has just started playing on iTunes. (The Jim Sturgess version)
2. I have on a red hat my brother gave me a while ago and am wearing my pajamas.
3. I am trying to write something, but my mind is absolutely blank.

This is NEVER a good thing. If you know me at all, you know I can be very emotional when I can't put things on paper. Sometimes I get uber crabby, sometimes I sit and look like I'm going to cry, and sometimes I jump all over the place yelling at inanimate objects blaming them for my inability to write.

(The song just changed to Not With You by Tegan and Sara)

Sometimes I wonder if I was ever able to sit down and write something. Sometimes I think I imagined all those late nights when the words just came to me as if whispered secrets of old friends. But it must have happened, I have pages and pages of stories all around my room at home and my dorm room. I used to hand-write EVERYTHING. But ever since I got my laptop I have resorted to typing everything because I just don't have the room for all that paper, and editing on looseleaf is quite the undertaking. Also, I can make copies of typed works and not have to pay for it.

(Song is now Gypsy by Suzanne Vega)

On another note, you remember my favorite book? The one I mention ALL of the time? Well, they are officially making a movie of it. I am actually a bit excited to see how this will go. Emma Watson is going to be the main girl and I like her a lot, so hopefully all will end well.

Speaking of favorite things, I have a new favorite movie. It is called "White Oleander" and is about a girl who gets placed in a series of foster homes after the mom commits murder. It's kind of an arty movie despite the well-known actors who appear in it.

(Song: Kristy, Are You Doing Ok? by The Offspring)

The song transitions are put in here to let you see how long this is taking me to write. I hate that nothing is really coming to me today, and it hasn't in a while. I have a character sort of in my mind, but I need him to reveal himself further. I need to know what he wants me to tell. After all, I am just a slave to the characters who occupy my head. So, I will talk to him for a while and see how it all goes.