Sunday, August 29, 2010

First Week at MSU

I am a very lazy person and therefore I have copied my entry from my school blog below in place of a new and original entry.

I have to say that my first week of college was what I expected as much as it was not what I had expected. You may ask "how can this be?" and I intend to explain.

How I expected:
1.) There is always something to do: I knew from books and movies that if you walk around campus, eventually you'll find some way to quell your boredom. This is something I've found to be true on campus and I have to say, I am pleased.
2.) Sorority/Fraternity life is everywhere: While I am not one of the people who wish to partake in sorority life, I have enough sense to know that there are plenty of people who are. In the first week of school while rush is taking place I have seen countless girls in dresses and boys in fraternity shirts throughout campus and I know this will not cease once rush is over.

How I didn't expect:
1.) There is a lot of free time: I had no idea that once my classes were out for the day there would be so much time to do my homework and partake in a number of activities.
2.) That I'd find so many activities in which I wanted to partake: I had heard, as I'm sure so many others have, that "there's something for everyone" in college. I have to admit that I was skeptical. I'm happy to say though that since I've arrived I have found many activities in which to join. I am a proud member of the Catholic Campus Ministry, English Society, and Folklore Club. All of these things interest me because of my faith and my strong like of English and literary elements that might some day impact my writing.

I suppose those of you whom have stuck around long enough to get to this point are about ready to stop reading, so I will wrap it up. College life is everything I expected and nothing like it at all. I hope everyone else had an equally eye-opening first week.

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