Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Character Crushes

Alrighty, so yesterday I got philosophical on you guys and now I'm going to take on the flip side of some of the books I read. The unrealistically wonderful guys that I fall in love with. NO, this is not about the evil Edward Cullen. Don't even get me started on how much I detest that fake, sparkly, stalker vampire wannabe. The guy has no depth! Please, it's just like saying you have a crush on a celebrity because of their face which may be fake. I'm not saying I don't enjoy some guys' faces, but there has to be more than that!

Take for instance, my highest character crush William B. Landsman from Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac. He's not perfect looking and he wears old fashioned clothing to go with his personality. And he's stubborn, so stubborn that he went to school with pneumonia and his lung had to collapse before he would leave his duties as editor of the yearbook. But he's the best friend a person could have. When Naomi needed a ride to see her ex, Will took her even though he was mad at her. He also made her this wonderful slideshow with pictures from the years she forgot to help her remember. I could talk and talk for hours about how great Will is because he has great characteristics. He's not a creepy stalker vampire.

A lot of my character crushes are from Sarah Dessen novels, and if you've read any of them, you can see why. Sarah gives these characters depth! She doesn't just say "they have this great crooked smile" (cough cough, Stephanie Meyer), but they also have faults, just like actual guys! No, being a vampire is not a fault! I will discuss a few of Dessen's guys.

Dexter: He is lanky and clumsy as hell, but behind his childish behavior is this really sweet guy who believes in love after everything he's been through that would convince him not to.
Wes: Sure, he's got the perfect looks "sawoon", but he is super shy and has a criminal record. He's also a great artist and very modest about his work as well.
Owen: Owen gets angry easily and has anger management issues. He's working on them though, and tells the truth because that's what he expects in return. He's a music expert and will enlighten you if you ask.

These are just a few examples, I could write forever about characters I've fallen in love with, but I'm sure that would get boring. But the point is that I don't look for guys that are perfect. I look for characters with depth. Which is something today's society has been sorely lacking in the teen population idol wise. We should work on that.

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