Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Trusting In God's Plan

Put all your trust in the Lord.

This is one hard concept, and something I am struggling with right now. I am in the middle of one of the biggest freak-outs of my life, and today in my Catholic Beliefs class the teacher is lecturing and says that in order to have an active faith we need to trust in God. We need to put all of our trust in the Lord. I wrote this down, put asterisks around it, and wrote over it again. This is how much I need to remember to trust God.

Trust is one of the things I struggle most with in my daily life, I tend not to trust many people at all, and this presents many issues. Especially when I can't trust in God when something big might be happening in my life. Especially if my health may be at risk. When something bad is going on I tend to go straight to panic mode and forgo the easy task of just giving it to God. How many times have I heard that? I can't count on all my relatives how many times my mom or grandma have told me to take something and just give it to God. I should know this answer by now. It should be second nature by now, but it's not.

Because, just like I learned in Catholic Beliefs, the human condition is to be indifferent to God and try to solve things and take them upon yourself. We have to realize that it's just not possible. We have to let others help. That's what friends and family are for. That's what God's for. We have to give everything to God and trust that it will work out the way it's supposed to. Life isn't for us to decide, we have to take what's thrown our way and praise God for our gifts and trust Him that what's going on is His plan.

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